Thursday, June 13, 2024

Send In Viceroy Bremer

Sure why not.
From think tankers to McKinsey types to Washington bureaucrats, plenty of people are offering proposals. Some focus on the immediate security and governance needs of shell-shocked Palestinians left in Gaza, using terms like “contact group” and “mandate.” Some dream of Gaza soccer stadiums decades from now. The Biden administration, I’m told by U.S. and Arab officials, is coalescing around plans for an interim “Palestinian Council” to govern Gaza and a security coalition in which the U.S. military will play a major role. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — a man accused of deliberately avoiding having a plan, including by a politician who just abandoned his coalition — has, technically, proposed a plan.
"A genocide happened, then everyone got rich."

All just grift and exploitation.

Or maybe it's time for God Emperor Pete Buttigieg I, ruler of Palestine, subsidiary of McKinsey Co.

(joke - Pete seems ok lately)