Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Speaking of Al Gore's Internet:

Many existing high-speed networks can send 1.5 million bits of data a second, equivalent to one good-sized novel every five seconds. The new network could carry 3 billion bits each second - about 400 copies of that hefty novel.

Legislation introduced in October by Sen. Albert Gore (D., Tenn.) included initial financing for development and construction of a national research network.

Backers say federal financing for the project is necessary to develop the technology and convince industry that vastly speedier computer networks are commercially viable.

Chicago Tribune January 2, 1989

Senator Albert Gore Jr., Democrat of Tennessee, is one who has listened to these arguments. He has introduced a bill in Congress to provide $1.75 billion over three years to finance a data network that would link the nation's universities and supercomputer centers. The bill is believed to stand a strong chance of passage this year.

New York Times, September 2, 1990.

Makes we want to give that liberal media a good cockpunching.