Is the President Asking to be Treated DIfferently Than Others?
One can imagine the blistering conservative outrage, the
foaming right-wing oral cavities, the high Falwellian
cynicism and sarcasm to erupt were Bill Clinton or Al Gore
in the White House possessing identical intelligence
information in the summer before 9/11. Impeachment
demands for the misdemeanor of phantasmal stupidity
would flourish. Presidential initiatives would be halted cold
in their tracks--and permanently. For the remainder of his
term, a Clinton or Gore would experience imposed
paralyzation, plagued eight days a week by ever-mounting
Republican investigations. Conservatives would bust a gut
in the comfortable knowledge that this wasn't about some
vague "shoulda known," but what the president indeed
knew and sat on.
Turnabout is but fair. Grab a Louisville Slugger.