J. Bradford DeLong joins in with Brendan Nyhan (Salon Premium only for a couple more days, though Brad DeLong has the full text**) in mocking David Broder's ludicrous article praising Heritage and Cato.
Liberal media strikes again.
Time for Dean Broder to retire. It's clear that during all his years in Washington he didn't learn a damn thing about what goes on there, and why any organization started by unrepentant Christian Reconstructionist Paul Weyrich who now runs the extremely homophobic Free Congress Foundation and whose primary funding comes from such notables as Coors and Scaife should be singled out for praise by anyone with a shred of brains or decency is beyond me.
Anyone seen Evan Gahr lately?
**Note to Brad DeLong -- I gather Nyhan's a young guy just starting out who is really trying to make it with his Salon gig. Respect Fair Use and don't take away the poor guy's hits. Link. Excerpt. People can pay for Salon...