Sunday, May 12, 2002

Looks like the LPF has a few problems...

The LPF has yet to agree on a new leader and has been
plagued by embarrassing allegations of sexual
harassment within its ranks. The man presumed by many
to be the next leader, Joao Valera, 27, was withdrawn last
week from a crucial meeting, on the ground that he had
insufficient political experience. A subsequent attempt by
a Rotterdam businessman to take over the party was
angrily rebuffed.

On Friday a meeting of the 51 candidates finally
announced that Mat Herben, a former journalist, would
take over as caretaker leader of the group.

The party has been further embarrassed by allegations
made by Irena Pantelic, a former Miss Holland, who was
recently demoted from number 35 to number 44 on the
party list, making her election on Wednesday less likely.
She has accused the LPF's co-founder, Peter Langedan, of
orchestrating her demotion after she refused his sexual

A second female candidate claims that she was dropped
from the list after rejecting the sexual attentions of Hans
Smolders, a former ice hockey star who is candidate
number 16 on the list. Both men have denied the claims.