More refutation of Ari's pre/post 9-11 spin:
Rome - A possible assassination attempt
on President George W. Bush - using a
commercial plane - was uncovered by
Italy's secret services at July's Group of
Eight summit, Deputy Prime Minister
Gianfranco Fini said yesterday.
Fini, interviewed for a television program,
said Italian forces shut down airspace
above Genoa and positioned
surface-to-air missiles at the airport.
The missile deployment was known at the
time of the economic summit, but reports
then suggested they were in place for a
possible missile attack against the plane carrying Bush or
another world leader.
"At the time, there were those who made light of those
measures, judging them excessive. But now those who mocked
should think again," Fini said, referring to the attacks in the
United States last week using hijacked planes.