Friday, May 17, 2002

Peggy Noonan's latest, archived here, is a bit nutty even by her standards..



By Peggy Noonan

How is George W. Bush doing? In Washington the past weekend everyone I spoke to answered that question by dropping to their knees and sobbing uncontrollably. People love him. They adore him. Men wish they could be him. Women long to have him spank them while screaming, “Peggy’s been a very, very bad girl.”

Nor is the press fully immune, or so it seemed to me. After Mr. Bush gave his humorous speech at the White House Correspondents Association dinner, I mentioned to the chunky host of a Sunday morning talk show that the president's speech was all right but undistinguished. "Wasn't as good as Clinton," I said. Bill Clinton's material at dinners like this were extremely clever, in much the way the Iraqi secret police or the child porn industry can be extremely clever.

"But Clinton was a filthy degenerate scumbag who wanted General Electric to have to clean up the toxic waste we spew into residential neighborhoods!" the journalist said, his eyes steaming like two pissholes in the snow. Mr. Clinton's very cleverness, the fact that he was so brilliant at doing shtick for the media, was indicative of the truly evil nature of the man. Mr. Bush is more like a president should be: stupid.

All the best presidents have been stupid. The greatest president this beloved land ever had was thicker than a glacier, yet - as the left wing smirked - communism tumbled under the weight of Ronald Wilson Reagan’s magnificent stupor!

Click on the link for the rest of Peggy's light speed descent into madness..