The Vice President Comes Clean in Letter to Toledo Blade
Wonder what got into him?
Look, the President has no clothes!
Since Sept. 11, President Bush has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, dismissing any criticism of his actions (or inactions) as anti-American. I believe he stated when he took office that he would "let other nations resolve their own problems." Did this apparent lack of interest in world affairs lead to the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine?
President Bush is the head of the greatest nation in the world. He should be taking a greater leadership role in setting policies and procedures that would lead to greater safety and prosperity for us and for the rest of the world. Instead, it appears that he prefers to use his time visiting school children. I’m sure the students are suitably impressed and inspired, but I think his time would be better spent in other areas of national interest.
His threat to use nuclear weapons was totally irresponsible, and can only result in other nations reconsidering their own nuclear potential.
To me, he is basically a loose cannon in a job that is beyond both his capabilities and experience. If you voted for him in the last election, make sure you are aware of the actions that he is (or is not) taking, and how they will affect you and your family. You may want to reconsider your choice in the next election.
Folks, once his cloak of patriotism is removed, there’s nothing underneath.