Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Well, Andy's gonna celebrate tonight:

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The anti-immigration party of
murdered Pim Fortuyn stormed to second place behind the
opposition Christian Democrats in Wednesday's Dutch
election, a dramatic rout for the ruling center-left, an exit
poll showed.

Voters ditched Prime Minister Wim Kok's government in a
landslide swing to the right. Dutch television said the Labor
party, in coalition for eight years with VVD liberals and
D66 centrists, had suffered its worst defeat since World
War Two.

The conservative Christian Democrats (CDA) were
decisive winners, with 40 of parliament's 150 seats. Pim
Fortuyn List (LPF) came a staggering second with 26
seats on its election debut. All three coalition parties
haemorrhaged votes.

But, before he gets too excited, he should consider this:

In his article, Fortuyn wrote: "Paedophilia is just like hetero and homosexuality. It is something that is in the genes. There is little if anything that you can do about it or against it. You are who you are… sooner or later the proclivity makes its irresistible appearance. It is not any more curable than hetero or homosexuality."

The column concludes: "The law philosopher and paedophile [Edward] Brongersma, for years senator of the Labour party, spent his life campaigning for understanding of the paedophile fellow man. He launched this effort fearlessly after serving a sentence for sexual harassment of a minor. The minor in question had not considered it harassment, but the justice department judged otherwise in the 1950s.

"In the 1970s and 1980s, Brongersma slowly but surely gained ground. After the invention of the Pill came sexual liberation. Gay sex became accepted, and why then should paedo sex not be allowed – under the strict condition that the child is willing and that there is no coercion? This enlightened point of view has meanwhile been abandoned, and under the influence of the ologists, the child is defined as totally
devoid of sexual desires, at least where adults are concerned.

(thanks to Ted Barlow via Grim Amusements.)

And, yes, I know that Fortuyn is dead so this really doesn't matter for the current election results. But, the Sullivanites in Blogistan might want to reconsider their canonization.

ALSO, don't you dare write in and tell me that the Harmful for Minors author was advocating pedophilia as well. Not without a quote, anyway.