Hey there,
Apologies for the mass email. I'm writing you all to gather
information for my article looking at what is
mediawhoresonline.com, exactly.
I pulled your names from bylined pieces featured on the
MWO website, after looking at the last year or two of issues.
(Let me apologize ahead of time, if I've pulled wrong email
addresses and you have no idea what I'm talking about.)
I'm looking at how mediawhoresonline.com has taken civic
activism to it's next step. I mean, here's a successful
website getting noticed by many big names and faces,
mostly in Washington. However, the problem is, I don't
think these people get it. I'm hearing all these funny
stories, about these big Washington names accusingly
cornering their friends and cronies, speculating on which of
themselves is behind the website.
After an intense examination, it seems to me, and correct
me if I'm wrong, please, that most of the website's content
is generated by contributors like yourselves. Educated yet
politically savvy individuals, including some fabulous
writers, who, by writing a piece, have decided to step up to
the role of watchdog, because nobody else is.
I'm hoping that y'all will email me or call me back
individually, (and I'd appreciate it if some could provide
phone numbers so I could interview you over the phone)
about your thoughts on how the website grew into what it
is today. Is it serving a necessary purpose? And does it
bother you that's there is no one person stepping up to
claim responsibility for some pretty strong content? That
seems awfully unusual for such an opinionated webisite, (I
mean even Bartcop, however shy, is sort of 'out') and sets
the site up for criticism.
I've got an online interview coming with the folks behind
the MWO email address, but I wanted to get opinions from
people who probably regularly read the website, and who,
at least, have contributed to it..
Many thanks, in advance for any and all help.
Jennifer Liberto
Freelance writer