In nice simple language that even the Greens can understand?
(stolen from j.d.w.)
Mr. greenie will never win the race, no way no how, not ever. But mr. greenie might pull away enough votes from the dem so that the gooper gets elected. Mr. gooper likes paper mills, clear cuts and meddling in your best friend's uterus. Mr. gooper bad news.
Mr. greenie like environment, he real tree hugger. But mr greenie don't care if mr. gooper wins, care more about ego of mr greenie. So if mr gooper wins, trees get cut down. Mr greenie say, 'must make things so bad that people don't listen to mr. gooper'. Mr gooper don't care about mr. greenie's feelings, but bad mr. gooper will donate money for his campaign because he knows fool when he sees one. Mr gooper bad man. Mr. greenie stupid man, sitting in clearcut while little fishies choke on siltation. Mr fisherman sad, but bright side for mr. greenie: dead fishes mean they won't be caught by non-vegetarian, evil, cruel man who catch and eat fish for sport.
Mr. greenie non-sustainable, macrobiotic, latte-swilling, birkenstock-wearing, hemp-shirted moron.