"A second thought provoked by [the July 4th LAX gunman] is whether Democratic Majority Leader Tom Daschle bears some responsibility for this attack. If the attack was not initiated by any terrorist organization and was indeed the work of a lone gunman desiring to advance the Islamicist cause, is it not probable that the government alert about a July 4th attack actually inspired his actions? And isn’t it the Bush Administration’s fear of being demagogued again by Daschle and the Democrats that caused the warnings to be issued even though there was no evidence of a specific plan for an attack? This very possibility illustrates the dangers of partisan demagoguery by national leaders in time of war. Let’s hope Mr. Daschle thinks about this incident and has second thoughts as a result."
One can only hope Crazy Davey Horowitz has established the lower bar in the LAX Shooting Blame game.
[Thanks to B.N.]