Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Avedon Carol finds a letter to the Times which corrects Yet Another Continuously Repeated Lie by our liberal media about the fact that the crazy liberal 9th Circuit Court has the highest rate of reversals:

To the Editor:
Re "Court That Ruled on Pledge Often Runs Afoul of Justices" (front page, June 30), about the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit:

In the calendar year 2001, the Ninth Circuit terminated 10,372 cases, and was reversed in 14, with a correction rate of 1.35 per thousand. The Fourth Circuit, reputedly the most conservative circuit and the circuit with the second-largest number of cases reviewed by the Supreme Court, terminated 5,078 cases and was reversed in 7, making a correction rate of 1.38 per thousand.

U.S. Circuit Judge, 9th Circuit
San Francisco, July 1, 2002

So much for the 9th Circuit having the record for reversals.

I hate when I forget to read the Sideshow for a couple of days.