Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Brian Linse nails the issue which has driven the right wing WarBloggers further into self-parody territory - Steve Earle. Once upon a time, John Walker's "Hot-Tubbing Marin County Liberal Parenting" was blamed for his actions by our pals on the other side of the aisle. It sounds like Earle agrees with y'all:

I don't condone what he did. Still, he's a 20 year-old kid. My son Justin is almost exactly Walker's age. Would I be upset if he suddenly turned up fighting for the Islamic Jihad? Sure, absolutely. Fundamentalism, as practiced by the Taliban, is the enemy of real thought, and religion too. But there are circumstances. Walker was from a very bohemian household, from Marin County. His father had just come out of the closet. It's hard to say how that played out in Walker's mind. He went to Yemen because that's where they teach the purest kind of Arabic. He didn't just sit on the couch and watch the box, get depressed and complain. He was a smart kid, he graduated from high school early, the culture here didn't impress him, so he went out looking for something to believe in."

Linse says:

Is it just me, or does this sound more like the right-wing bloggers, led by Andrew Sullivan, blaming Johnny T on his "Marin County upbringing", than an America-hating Lefty?

There are plenty of REAL things to get upset about these days. Though, I suppose it is much more fun to just MAKE STUPID SHIT UP to get your panties all in a bunch about and keep yourself focused on the real enemy - LIBERALS!