There are so many ways to mock (and I mean mock, not critique, it's hardly worthy of serious consideration) Kaus's ridiculous "concern."
I think as vaara put it in my comments, a slight rephrasing of Kaus's comments gives us something along the lines of:
How dares those stupid jackasses insult us!
Kaus can be credited, I suppose, for admitting that the angry invective inciting violence (see that, Timmah?) has been on the Right in recent years, though I missed all the column-inches he's devoted to this newfound concern of his.
His attempt to link MWO in any way to the "Left" is laughable, but part of the standard tactic to link anything to the left of Rush Limbaugh with the dangerous violent anti-American leftists islamo-fascist environmental terrorists. Or something. Since the terrorist left has been such a disappointment (why can't those environmental terrorists get their act together, damnit! We need a good enemy!), they've resorted to arguing that everyone from palestinian suicide bombers to Ted Kazcynski to Tim McVeigh (a tool of those leftist islamo-fascists, dontcha know) to well, everything just plain ICKY, is a leftist. Then people like Kaus come along and argue that people like MWO, who are really the centrist Democrats that Kaus always claims to be (which makes him a liberal in the eyes of the media), are going to be responsible for yet-to-be-seen acts of violence by Al Gore voters.
MWO doesn't represent the angry left. It represents the angry center.
Besides, people like Kaus (and Timmah, and Instapundit, everyone over at NRO, Fox News, and their more obvious pals on the hate radio circuit) are quite heavy on the snide remarks, personal insults, and hyperbole (just kidding! of course), that feed the red meat crowd.