Amen, Brother!
Calling the Times a "liberal rag" just because it publishes the Molly Ivins column is quite a stretch. You can't form an intelligent opinion if you only look at an issue from one angle.
The myth of the "liberal media" is just that. The so-called liberal media are owned by large conservative corporations that dictate control over biased news reporting in major newspapers and on major television networks. The media are conservative just like their owners and sponsors. You're getting the "News" the way that they want you to see it. Consider who owns what is referred to as the liberal media:
CBS, Country Music TV, The Nashville Network, all owned by Westinghouse Elec., who also operate four government-owned nuclear power plants in the US.
ABC owned by Disney Corp., who also owns 11 major local newspapers.
NBC, CNBC both owned by General Electric Corp.
Fox Networks and 132 major newspapers, owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Do you think any of the above could be regarded as liberal?
Finally, calling Clinton a draft-dodging, pot-smoking liberal is a bit hypocritical considering the present selected occupant is an AWOL draft dodging alcoholic cocaine sniffer.
Kenneth Fogarty
Walnut Creek