Another note to Diane:
Also, given that right-wing lunatic anti-Semitic racists have a habit of hating Israel, don't you think it is kind of strange for leftists to form a coalition of interests with them?
Um, sure, and vice versa?
Diane: I haven't seen one anti-Israel leftist ever denounce the Jew-hatred in the Arab world. Can you cite me a few sources to prove that there is a trend? Or are you saying that because I haven't heard this, I'm a corrupt bigoted idiot? Is that why you compared me to Jerry Falwell?
No I wasn't implying you were a corrupt bigoted idiot, I just felt like insulting Jerry Falwell, sorry the two things got conflated. As for the former - James Zogby did last night, although doubt he's leftist, other than the fact that all "anti-Israel" people seem to get classified that way these days.
As for the double standard, well perhaps you should think on that some more. While David Duke is marginalized, Buchanan and Novak are not.
You want me to give you a benefit of the doubt, yet you've put the burden of proof on an entire very large ill-defined group of "leftists" to defend themselves, or other people you associate with them, or something.
As for myself, I don't think I'm in the group of people you're directing your challenge to, so I find myself under no obligation to answer it.