More from my conservative pal Snotglass:
Al Gore, the failed Democratic Party candidate in 2000, took a break from fund raising at a Buddhist temple to write a stiff, wordy article complaining about the ozone layer and inciting class warfare by using inflammatory rhetoric, social security scare tactics and cheap marketing gimmicks, assisted by bearded trial lawyers and the liberal media elites dressed in earth tones.
Our elected President is valiently rallying the country to liberate the oppressed people of Iraq. The liberal media, assisted by opportunistic socialist politicians, is trying to smear him and obstruct the will of the American people by twisting the President's words and meanings. In the latest example of media spin, the President's words,spoken to King Abdullah, have been taken out of context and parsed by the liberal talking heads of cable TV.
As a devout and pious man of faith, the President has a constitutionally guaranteed freedom to call every other religion "false." Recent studies released by the Elmer Gantry School of Divinity at Hillsdale College reveal that Hell is populated entirely by believers in false religions. Noted theologian Jonah Goldberg has also stated that the President, as a duly elected protector of the constitutional Freedom to Worship, has a moral obligation to ensure that all Americans to exercise their freedom to worship and contribute their tithes at a church representing a true religion.
Our country is engaged in a struggle with the forces of evil, which often masquarades as a false religion. You liberals should be grateful that our elected President has the divine acumen to perceive and shared the revealed truth.