Monday, August 19, 2002

TAPPED acts shocked by this article which says:

Today in the United States white people have no political representation. Whites have to struggle in the courts against government opposition to claim any resemblance to equal rights. Explicit government policies have made whites second class citizens. Whites are a dispossessed majority in their own country.

Why did the white majority allow themselves to be stripped of the equal protection clause of the Constitution? Why do whites remain loyal to the political parties that took away their rights?

What is the future for whites in a political system where both political parties pander to third world immigrants and support racial privileges for minorities? Having lost equal protection of law, what will whites lose next?

I'm shocked that they're shocked. This is the subtext of much of certain branches of conservatism - from Ann Coulter to Rush Limbaugh to Crazy Davey Horowitz, etc... etc... I applaud Roberts' courage in coming out and saying what he thinks. It's a breath of fresh air after the rhetoric employed by many others who basically believe this. Though the barely coded versions are easily decipherable, they also provide plausible deniability.

It's obvious what people think. I wish more would own up. The coded versions also lead us down the "no you're the racist for calling me a racist" path.