BLITZER: Congressman Armey, if you take a look at this other poll question that we asked in our CNN-Time Magazine poll, we asked about economic conditions in the United States. Do people believe they will get better, get worse, stay the same? Look at how the situation has deteriorated. Get better -- well, actually, in March, 33 percent thought the situation would get better. Now it's 52 percent, they will get better. Get worse, 14 percent as opposed to 20 percent in March.
So I guess the American public is getting a little bit more optimistic right now that the economic situation is improving even as we speak.
[Armey and Sweeney..blahblahblah..then ]
BLITZER: I also want to just correct one of the graphics, one of the poll numbers that we put up earlier. We had those numbers backwards. The American public is becoming increasingly more pessimistic as opposed to optimistic. We had the wrong numbers earlier. Look at this, "Will economic conditions get better?" Only 33 percent of the American public now believes that is the case; 52 percent, more than half, in March.
Just wanted to correct those numbers, apologize for screwing up the numbers earlier. Probably wasn't the first time, won't be the last time we made a mistake on LATE EDITION.