Mini book reviews:
Okay, there are a bunch of little pictures to the left which are my book recommendations. Of course, they're actually my desperate attempt to get the 37 cents amazon promises me if you click on the links and buy them. But, here are my reviews:
Neal Pollack's Anthology of American Literature : See him do to literary journalism what he's currently doing to Bloggers.
Philip Roth's The Human Stain: Forget what you've heard - this book is about clinton, monica, blowjobs, and the morally bankrupt disloyal hypocrites who thought it all mattered.
Eric Alterman's Sound and Fury: A prescient history of the punditry, updated fairly recently, though it's only gotten worse since...
"It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." -- Billy S.
David Neiwert's In God's Country: An excellent analysis of the modern "Patriot" movement.