Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Neal Pollack understands why they hate us.

Sullivan the Magnificent.

Andrew Sullivan, usually a brakeless train of wrong ideas, nails it on the head in today's "www.andrewsullivan.com" blog, in which he tells the Iraqis to go fuck themselves. But when Andrew writes, "the global hostility to dealing with Saddam cannot be avoided. It comes from America-envy and the usual appeaseniks and terrorist-lovers," I think he's slightly off-base. America is hated, world-wide, because we have superior bloggers, and they know it. They can't stand the fact that our opinions are sharper and better-informed. After all, our ability to express opinions without the intrusive filter of editors and fact-checkers is what made this country great.

Something tells me his blog has probably already rocketed up to the top of the charts.