Thursday, September 05, 2002

Reader D.W. notes that Silly Sully, who began his career as a national security analyst by being Gap model, says on his blog:

"Schroder is playing the war for his own electoral benefit in a very tight race."

To this I say:

Some petty things can be insinuated without proof, but major charges need a little more, shall we say, evidence? Among the latest of Sullivan's assertions is a particularly arresting one. It is that the Schröder administration has dreamed up opposition to a war on Iraq to solve its domestic political problems.

Think about that for a minute. A major columnist at the Times of London is accusing the Chancellor of risking what he believes could be thousands or millions of lives lost to Saddam's Weapon's of Mass Destruction --- all merely in order to buttress his domestic P.R. The evidence for Schröder's treasonous cynicism? Sullivan has none.**

** Note to Norah -- parody is definitely protected under Fair Use.

(update: corrected major typos)