Seeing the Forest is angry at the lying creep Mona Charen.
Mona is an evil, bigot supporting shrew. Her behavior during the 'Evan Gahr/Paul Weyrich' flap, and that of many others of her ilk, was truly the low point of a lowly existence.
This Stanley Crouch column (only online version I could find) tells the story fairly well. Basically, uber-asshole and Republican favorite sick puppy Paul Weyrich was spouting the old "Jews Killed Jesus" line. Gahr, a one time VRWC junior foot soldier, had the nerve to take offense and write a column about it. Weyrich's status as a top player ensured the conservative movement would close ranks around him and exile Gahr out to the wilderness (where is he now?).
As Crouch explains:
Shortly thereafter, Gahr told me, he received an e-mail from the institute's Mona Charen, a conservative columnist (and also a Jew), alerting him to expect a call from the head of the Washington office informing him he had been dismissed. Charen added: "I sincerely hope that you will take this opportunity to seek psychological or psychiatric help.
Lying feels good, doesn't it Mona? Supporting (certain) anti-semites feels good, doesn't it Mona? Throwing your pals to the wolves and attempting to use the tried and true fascist tactic of questioning the mental health of your opponents feels good, doesn't it Mona?
Well, don't feel too bad for Gahr. He obviously hasn't learned his lesson. Or, maybe he has. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
(for update, see this post here)