Saturday, October 26, 2002

Bruce Garrett, who needs permanent links to his posts, has this to say (scroll down):

Smarter Andrew Sullivan
reports today that Andrew has joined the ranks of regular columnists at the Washington Times.

To repeat...

If you tell a lie to make a person better, then that is not a sin.

-Sun Myung Moon

Andrew Sullivan has joined the ranks of regular columnists at the Washington Times.

The separation between religion and politics is what Satan likes most.

-Sun Myung Moon

Andrew Sullivan has joined the ranks of regular columnists at the Washington Times.

Father thinks about the three races, yellow, black, and white. Orientals can contribute in the spiritual aspect, white people can contribute in the analytical, scientific area, while black people can contribute in the physical area--physical educational development of physical fitness, the area of health....The talented area of black people is in this physical aspect.

-Sun Myung Moon

Andrew Sullivan has joined the ranks of regular columnists at the Washington Times.

Out of all the Saints sent by God, I think I am the most successful one already as it now stands.

-Sun Myung Moon

Andrew Sullivan has joined the ranks of regular columnists at the Washington Times.

By killing one man, Jesus, the Jewish people had to suffer for 2000 years. Countless numbers of people have been slaughtered. During the Second World War, 6 million people were slaughtered to cleanse all the sins of the Jewish people from the time of Jesus.

-Sun Myung Moon

There's more. And you should read it. And, as soon as a billionaire leader of the fringe left runs an influential newspaper in the nation's capital, let me know.