Monday, October 21, 2002

Howard Kurtz - Media Critic?

I'm not the first one to observe that Howard Kurtz isn't much of a media critic. His criticism is generally limited to 3 basic points:

1) If people don't like it they can turn it off.

2) Is the media doing a good job? Yes.

3) The media is just giving the people what they want.

In other words - there is no actual criticism.

But, take a peak at this transcript which is absolutely incredible. Howie is completely shocked that his guests would suggest that television news ever markets fear.

KURTZ: Well, this is a troubling notion, the idea that you all seem to be implying, suggesting that yes, the media are not just covering a depressing, difficult and in many ways scary story, but actually selling fear, marketing fear...

This is a media critic?