Wednesday, October 02, 2002

I don't think there's been enough attention on the inappropriateness of an official Bush advisor saying this:

"It would be best if he (Schroeder) resigned. But he's obviously not going to do that," Pentagon adviser Richard Perle said in an interview with Wednesday's Handelsblatt daily, released ahead of publication.

UPDATE: Rittenhouse Review writes in to tell me about, and I notice Level Gaze has the second part of Perle's statement.

Perle, a leading voice in U.S. efforts to oust Saddam Hussein, told Handelsblatt that Schroeder's stance on Iraq would set back Berlin's desire to win a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council "for a generation".

There's also this:

"During the election campaign Schroeder tried to improve his party's position at any price and thereby ignored the roll of the U.S. in supporting freedom in post-Hitler Germany, such as America's contribution in the post-war reconstruction and during the reunification process." Pearle said: "The chancellor threw all of this out the window."

ah, diplomacy.