I think I was talking about stuff like this earlier.
JOE MADISON, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: No, because I think you heard, even your own reporter said, there is not going to be a slam dunk here. There's not going to be any new revelations. He is going to present the same information that he has presented to the United Nations and to the American people before. The other thing that you have to keep in mind, that this poll was not taken of liberals versus conservatives, and when the bullets starts to fly in Iraq, Saddam Hussein's troops will not be asking people if you'reliberal or conservative to determine if you get shot...
GALLAGHER: No, but the poll was...
MADISON: I didn't interrupt you, Mike. Let me finish. GALLAGHER: No, no, no, but the question is really (UNINTELLIGIBLE). You know that...
MADISON: So the poll was not written. There's nothing to indicate it was written by liberals or conservatives...
GALLAGHER: The "New York Times?"
BLITZER: Let me pick up on that point because we're getting flooded with e-mail. Mike, this one for you. "The Bush administration is
making Iraq its cause celebre (ph) and diverting attention from other issues like the economy. It is short-sighted to think that a war
with Iraq will solve all our problems with terrorism."
What do you say to Gila from California?
GALLAGHER: Well, Gila needs to remember that this is about national security. And Gila shouldn't have a short memory and forget
what happened September 11, 2001. And that's what this is about. If people want to play political games and already say -- have
Joe Madison sit there in Washington and say this won't be a slam dunk before hearing the first word out of President Bush's mouth,
tonight. That's because people like Joe and Gila are rooting against the president and against this country. And listen, I say to Gila or
to Joe, if you don't like what this government stands for, go over to Baghdad and be a loyal to Saddam Hussein like McDermott is.
MADISON: You know, I'm going to tell you something. Now, Mike, we are both, and spent some time in Dayton, Ohio, about 50 miles
-- I know it's true. And because I'm stating a fact, let me tell you, don't you ever question my loyalty to this country...
GALLAGHER: You're un-American. You're un-American.
MADISON: Don't...
GALLAGHER: ...you hate America. And that's why...
MADISON: Well, this is not a ...
GALLAGHER: ... People like you are being deemed irrelevant. Madison. ... Debate. Now, it's name calling. GALLAGHER: It's true.
MADISON: I mean, this is...
GALLAGHER: ... You're un-American. You're either with us or with the terrorists.
BLITZER: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Mike, let him respond (inaudible). You can't make an accusation like that
without giving him a chance to talk.
MADISON: He can't -- as a matter of fact, he can't make an accusation like that without knowing the person.
GALLAGHER: I do know the person...
MADISON: That's the best...
GALLAGHER: I know what you stand for, and that's why your whittling away and saying that you know President Bush won't
have a slam dunk tonight because you're hoping he doesn't. Listen, I asked a simple question...
BLITZER: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. All right...
GALLAGHER: You're either with us or with the terrorists, Wolf. The president's (inaudible). Which side are you on, Joe?
MADISON: I made my remarks based on the CNN reporter who talked to the people inside the White House, just this morning, who
indicated not to expect anything new. If you were listening to CNN, then you would have heard that.
GALLAGHER: Of course, I'm listening to CNN.