Sunday, October 20, 2002

More Homophobia

Rittenhouse review explains nicely something I've be unable to:

It’s true that some of the suggested titles referred to aspects of Sullivan’s private life that he and others, including me, would prefer not to hear more about, but I am mystified as to why we should be surprised that Data Lounge’s readers, many of whom have been living with or actively fighting AIDS, or watching their friends get sick and die from the disease, for the past five, 10, 15, or 20 years should be chastised for expressing their disgust for the hypocrisy revealed by Michelangelo Signorile in the pages of LGNY on an issue that had only recently exploded in the gay community. And I am compelled to ask what exactly about the post in question was “homophobic”? Apparently we are once again being directed to suppress any admission that gay men have sex lives for fear that doing so is per se homophobic. Some of the details at hand are embarrassing and spark considerable discomfort, but simply discussing the issue, or drawing attention to those who are doing so, is hardly “homophobic.”

Let's look at some of the 'Clinton Book Titles' Andy thought were funny:

"My Cheatin' Heart"
"Stuck Between Two Bushes - Hey, It Ain't All That Bad"
"Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Intern"
"Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word."
"A.I.: Ahdidnothave Intercourse," "Crouching Bubba, Stolen Sofa."
"Harlem Globetrotter"
"I Warned You I Had A Bridge to the Twenty-First Century;"
"Sax And The City."
"The Buxom Schtupp Here."
"Who Moved My Squeeze?," "You Know You're A Redneck When ... The White House Edition,"
"Black Like Me"
"Blown Away: My White House Years."

If I were uncharitable, I could call many of these not so subtly racist, one or two a bit sexist, and of course definitely filled with anti-Southern bigotry - the last of which at least usually raises the hackles of the new P.C. Right.

UPDATE: Jesse has more.