Monday, October 07, 2002

Sullivan says:

ANOTHER ATTACK: The mayor of Paris was the target of a murder attempt over the weekend. His assailant was a disgruntled young man, who was also a Muslim who objected to homosexuality. After the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, it seems that Europe's gay leaders are becoming highly vulnerable to public violence. Fortuyn, of course, was murdered by a far leftist; mayor Delanoe was targeted by an anti-gay Muslim. But I wonder if these events will in any way cause the gay rights movement in Europe and here to re-think its proximity to the left and to multi-culturalism. It's still almost taboo for gay people to publicly criticize Islamic hostility to homosexuals; in fact, it's far more common to hear critics of Islamism being decried as racists among gay activists than to hear Islamic bigots being criticized for homophobia. Perhaps that will now begin to change, as it should. Can you imagine the fuss if an evangelical or fundamentalist Christian had tried to kill an openly gay politician? So why the double standard for the other religious right - among Muslims?

"It's still almost taboo for gay people to publicly criticize Islamic hostility to homosexuals."

Here's one, two, three, four , five ,six ,seven articles on the subject. Two post 9/11.

Look, here's another.

Sully's exceeded himself with this one.

On the other hand, we have this, this, this, and this.