Sunday, October 06, 2002

William Pierce, of the "Turner Diaries", also wrote a novel called "Hunter" which was dedicated to and inspired by Joseph Paul Franklin, a serial killer who shot and wounded Vernon Jordan, Larry Flynt, and murdered several random blacks, jews, and interracial couples. In the novel the protaganist attempts to ignite a race war by shooting "undesirables" in roadside killings. For a special treat, go read the reader reviews at Amazon.

A sample:

Simply INCREADIBLE, August 10, 1998
Reviewer: A reader from reader from the United States
Finaly a book that expresses the ideas of every THINKING white person. If your the type of person who liked the "Turner Diaries" and "Serpents Walk", then you must read this amazing second book by Andrew Macdonald. This book was even said to be with Terry Nichols at the time of his arrest. Andrew Macdonald is the pen name of Dr. Pierce (head of the National Allience). Writers of this caliber are hard to find