Monday, January 27, 2003

More Moonies

Some people are under the misconception that Moonie is necessarily a pejorative term. While it is true that the Unifcation Church has attempted to distance itself from that word as they try and distance themselves from their cult reputation, the word is present in plenty of official translations of Moon's writings.

See here. Here. Here.

I could go on.

That isn't to say I don't use the term as a way to denigrate the newspaper when I refer to at as the "Moonie Times," as in the newspaper owned by the Moonies, but the term itself was used for a long time by its adherents.

And, I do have to say that I find it absolutely fascinating that people would equate opposition to a dangerous cult and its poisonous impact on our politics and media with religious bigotry. Incredible.

Apparently Moon and Al Haig are soulmates. Who knew?

(thanks, as always, to MW for the research)