The Horse tells us there's a new preface.
"If Clarence Thomas had not gotten on the Supreme Court by covering up his past, if a right-wing conspiracy did not subvert the law and the Constitution in its pursuit of Clinton, if the checks were not written by those who I say wrote them, if there was not the endemic racial and sexual bigotry I describe, if the right-wing claims I say are false were true, we would surely know it by now. The conservatives would have said so. That they could not speaks volumes."
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Tuesday March 4
7 PM Talk & Signing
Barnes & Noble (Georgetown)
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Washington DC
Tuesday March 11
7 PM Talk & Signing
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30 Brattle St.
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday March 26
7 PM Talk & Signing
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Philadelphia, PA
Thursday March 27
Talk & Signing
Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century
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