Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Little LuLu

Michelle Malkin gets a well-deserved takedown here.

Back then she wrote, "The media snobs are at it again. Wrinkling their noses at flag pins and patriotic ribbons. ... Hey, newsies: Get off your high horses. Impartiality is no excuse to behave like four-star ingrates." She blasted news managers who seem "lethally allergic to red, white and blue. Do they plan on boycotting the Fourth of July, too?"

Ms. Malkin concluded that piece with this evocation: "There will be no 21st century Ernie Pyles in our war on terrorism because modern journalists wouldn't be caught dead in a foxhole, wearing a military uniform, bravely recording and communicating the hopes, fears, dreams, anger and pride of the American soldier."

On the day after Michael Kelly's death, I think that Ms. Malkin, from the comfort of her own chair, owes the embedded journalists an apology.

Aside from that, what is it with conservatives in the media who talk about "the media" as if they aren't even a part of it? I can't pick up a newspaper without reading Malkin's latest anti-immigrant screed. Bill O'Reilly has the highest rated cable "news" show on TV, and as Greg Beato has pointed out here, he's admonishing "the media" for not covering war in the way he would like - when he himself isn't following his own advice.

Weird people. Sometimes I think that the Reptilian Invasion theory makes more and more sense every day.