Sunday, April 06, 2003

Operation Snipe Hunt

I had to laugh when the British troops had named one of their Afghanistan missions that, but now it's apparently officially the Bush Doctrine:

MARK SHIELDS: One cynical former military person said to me, you know, you've been around enough city police departments, they always find the cigarette in the suspect's raincoat or the illicit substance. No, I mean, I think Jim, probably the most disturbing report I got all week is that the Pentagon now is working on a contingency plan for the invasion of Syria and that the argument is that the weapons of mass destruction, one of the rationalizations is that the weapons of mass destruction have been transported to... across the border.

JIM LEHRER: Have you heard that, David?

DAVID BROOKS: I've heard talk of that but I really not get too alarmed about that. There has been talk for months that somehow these wild guys in the Pentagon are going to attack one country after another there. Is anger at Syria. There's no question about that. Syria is playing both sides of the fence here. On the one hand they've restrained Hezbollah from bombing northern Israel. On the other hand, they really have done some things to help the Iraqi regime. But I really do not think there is any... I have not heard from people in the administration any hunger to do another country.