Sunday, April 20, 2003

Rumsfeld Speaks

He doesn't like the press too much, but he knows how to handle them.

Q: Mr. Secretary, my name is Ricardo Springs. I'm a Nav Air employee, but on rotation here at OPNAV. First I want to congratulate you and thank you for the successful prosecution of the war. You did a fine job. My question is, despite having embedded journalists and all the positive and some negative things that they brought to coverage of the war, what more can be done to turn around the media's overwhelming negative coverage of the war? Do you have any thoughts about that?

(skipping a bit of his answer)

Rumsfeld: But I think there's not anything you can do -- with our Constitution, which is a good one that allows for free speech and free press -- about it, except to, you know, penalize the papers and the television and the newspapers that don't give good advice, and reward those people that do give good advice. That's about all we can do, and that's probably enough.

Fascinating. Indeed. Heh.