On December 13, 1995, the Resolution Trust Corporation release it's long-awaited and dreaded supplemental report on Whitewater...
The RTC report stated that it had in its possession "essentially all of the documents regarding Whitewater" relevant to the Clintons...
In brief, everyone of the accusations against the Clintons was false...
Understandably, the Clintons had been pleased. At last, they were vindicated. The White House sent out copies of the report to more than 150 news organizations. Then, nothing happened. If the report had been launched into outer space it would have received more coverage. The Wall Street Journal ran a straightforward article in its news pages. But days past and nothing appeared in The Washington Post and The New York Times. No network broadcast any report. As it happened, the Post never mentioned it, and almost two weeks later, the Times published only a few lines, and somewhat misleading ones at that.
The Clinton Wars, p. 168.