Bill Draper of the AP writes that New Rules May Ban Some July 4th Fireworks
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- They're counted on by America's small towns to provide "oohs" and "ahhs" on the Fourth of July: private clubs, family gatherings, community picnics and the like.
But this year, unless they've kept abreast of new federal anti-terrorism rules, the only fireworks going off at such events are the kind you can buy at a roadside stand.
Under the federal Safe Explosives Act, aimed at improving homeland security, people wishing to put on large fireworks displays as of May 24 must have a permit from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
That entails a background check, fingerprinting and personal interviews with ATF agents, a process that can take as much as three months.
In Fairfield, Iowa, a 40-year tradition will end this Fourth of July when the sky above Fairfield Golf and Country Club stays dark.
"Every other year it was a simple process," said Pat Kessel, president of the country club's board. "We buy fireworks, get a shooter and have a display."
Told they would have to hustle through the permit process because they were late in applying, Kessel said they decided it just wasn't worth the hassle.
"Who wants to get fingerprinted to do that?" Kessel said. "I've been fingerprinted before. You go to the law center, have to buzz in and go to a back room just like a criminal. It's cold and military-like back there; it's not something I can see anybody wanting to do."
Great. aWol's (mal)Administration can't budget to protect airplanes from shoulder-fired missiles or the ports from dirty bombs in shipping containers, but they can make ordinary Americans feel like criminals.
Listen to what they say, or watch what they do? Which is more important?