So, I figured while I´m travelling I´d take a break from begging for money for me (though if you´re feeling generous...) and join up with Epatriots. So, click the link and give them all your money so that Big Loser Kos doesn´t raise more money than me and make me look bad.
Actually, what finally sold me on the whole thing is the fact that they´re offering really cool rewards. Apparently, if I raise a mere $17,829.34 I get to spend an evening in the hot tub with Ann Lewis. For double that, they throw in Ann Richards too. And, if I get to $66,666.66 in money raised, it´s "Cuban Cigar evening with Bill Clinton." Who WOULDN´T want that?
In all seriousness, aside from Terry McAulliffe whispering sweet nothings in my ear, the big prize involves going to the DNC convention. Now, that would be cool. Prove to the DNC that I Have The Most Powerful Blog. Stop spending your kids´ inheritance on booze and gambling and spend it on the DNC instead. For all the talk of the evils of money in politics, the truth is there is surprisingly little money in politics. They say Bush will have $200 million or something for his little war chest. I have 10,000 or more regular readers it seems. If each one of you gives $50 that´s a cool half a million dollars. Not so shabby. The Dems are currently having to fight with both arms tied behind their backs. Yes, I know it´s partially because they´re spineless wimps. But, it´s also because they don´t have the cash.
If Kos raises more money than me then the terrorists will have won!