Wednesday, June 11, 2003

How Do I Hate Thee, Let Me Count The Ways

Update: The Pandagon post referred to is here

Jesse Taylor at Pandagon posts, with exactly the right sense of dumbfounded outrage, a notable example of "wingnuttery" Hillary-loathing. That is it would be notable if the competition for most mendacious over the top Hillary-loathing weren't so intense.

This one is interesting because its author, Gregg Easterbrook isn't really rightwing, exactly. He's one of those wised-up, sorta liberal centrists; his speciality at The New Republic used to be apostate (why can't liberals admit they've won) coverage of the environment. But then it doesn't come as any sort of shock, does it, that Clinton-hating was and is a sport enjoyed by a vast conspiracy, oops, I mean majority of the mainstream media; hey, we're talking 97, 98% here.

Like most such commentators, Easterbrook's main point of outrage seems to be the pass he perceives that everyone else in the press is giving Hill's book, else he probably couldn't have been bothered to comment; her "mendacity," after all, is such old news, so pre-9/11.

Bill O'Reilly made a similar observation last night, after he'd demonstrated his own independence of mind in another of those fabulous Talking Points Memos of his. Of course his definition of media turned out to belimited to the three official interviews she'd sat down for, with Babs, Katie, and Larry. Still, to right the balance, Juanita Broddrick made an appearance. More about that later. (I know, that's so Josh Marshall of me)

Something I'd never have realized without Easterbrook's critical eye, the overuse of the word "exclusive," which has come to mean something different than "only," is all Hillary's doing.

And if you haven't had a chance to read the pass that Tom Shales gave Hillary re: her Barbara Walters' interview, don't miss it.

Enjoy your visit to Pandagon by reading Jessie's other posts; he's young, he's smart, he's talented, he's pre and post/9/11, he's got a great future in front of him, and he's a real deal liberal. He's what gives someone like me hope.