Is there a more worthy candidate for our attention than Dick Morris? I don't think so.
A friend has been listening to ABC talk radio, so I won't have to. He recently reported on a visit that Morris paid to Monica Crowley, Nixon stenographer, who has a regular radio slot. The discussion also included Ron Silver, the well known actor formerly known as a liberal activist except that 9/11 changed all that.
Morris repeated the proof of liberal bias Lelyveld story.
SUGGESTION: email Reliable Sources and ask why Kurtz hasn't covered this. Or perhaps he has. Some weeks I just don't have the stomach to pay attention to Howie.
Monica C. and Ron agreed with Morris that Bill Clinton was way over his head when it came to foreign policy, and that our current President has a clarity and a simplicity of ideas on foreign policy that is "refreshing." (full disclosure; I knew Ron when; he's a sweet guy, so I'm not angry, just disappointed)
Morris went on to list four items he'd suggested that Clinton had passed on that would have avoided 9/11. No discussion about why Morris didn't bring these four items to the attention of the Bush administration, especially in view of the promise on his website that the results of his surveys go direct to the President.
In our lifetime, has there ever been a more duplicious, puffed up, putrid, scummy, oily, mendacious, sluggish, thuggish, lying, thieving, conniving, political SOB than Dick Morris?
Why not make a daily stop at his non-partisan website, where he runs several surveys, and put the "non" back in non-partisan.
The website claims that over 53 million votes have been cast; that's over a period of years, of course. But shouldn't we be getting a little bit of that action?
I don't know about you, but I need to do something with my loathing, or it starts to eat me up alive.
A click or two a day, could keep the shrink away.