"I do not need to explain why I say things. — That's the interesting thing about being the President. — Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
Of course, this is YABL, since the Constitution mandates that the President report to it, as in in the SOTU.
The quote is given new currency by today's commentary Naked Power, Arbitrary Rule in the LA Times, by law Professor Jonathon Turley. He notes that Bush:
has repeatedly acted like an American Caesar, sending some accused terrorists to federal court while others are sent for tribunal justice. In the case of [the two British accused], Bush will allow them a fair trial in Britain as a gift to a friend in political need while he arbitrarily denies such trials to others.
The message is clear and simple: Bush alone will decide the meaning and the means of justice.
Hail Seizure! (of power in Florida, that is...)