Sunday, July 27, 2003

Did Bill Bennett Lie?

Jeebus, what WILL we tell the children? I suppose it depends on the meaning of "about even."

While we´re on lies, I suppose it´s nice that after months of being accused of everything up to and including treason for daring to suggest that the bush administration was being dishonest about the justifications and reasons for invading Iraq, it´s nice to know that what was once conspiracy theory is now conventional wisdom. But, us little people who occasionally emerge from our basements shouldn´t worry our little heads about it. Our foreign policy, and our soldiers´s lives, is in the hands of savants like Commander Clueless who know what´s best for us.

There are a lot of debates that we´ve had since 9-11 which I thought we would never have in this country. You know, such as whether it´s okay to torture people. Whether it´s okay to arrest American citizens secretly, hold them without charges, and deny them any legal representation. Whether it´s okay to have parallel systems of justice at the whim of one man. Whether we should invade a country "pre-emptively" without any evidence of a threat. Whether it´s unpatriotic to criticize the president, and whether such criticism gives aid and comfort to our enemies.

And, whether it´s okay for the executive branch to send the our soldiers off to die, and deliberate deceive congress, the press, and the people, to do so.

Is this my country?