Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Festung America

From the Guardian:

The Pentagon is planning a new generation of weapons, including huge hypersonic drones and bombs dropped from space, that will allow the US to strike its enemies at lightning speed from its own territory.

Over the next 25 years, the new technology would free the US from dependence on forward bases and the cooperation of regional allies, part of the drive towards self-sufficiency spurred by the difficulties of gaining international cooperation for the invasion of Iraq.

The SLV-Cav [Small Launch Vehicle/Common Aero Vehicle] ]combination, according to [DARPA], "will provide a near-term (approximately 2010) operational capability for prompt global strike from Consus (the continental US) while also enabling future development of a reusable HCV [hypersonic cruise vehicle] for the far-term (approximately 2025)". The range of this weapon is unclear.

Too bad our main threat is asymmetrical warfare.