Did the Republicans call the cops on a 71-year-old Democrat because he called one of them a "fruitcake"? Not exactly... Good detail on the House fracas here. (Ignore the "partisan passions" and "Democrats said, Republicans said" spin from this headline writer and the SCLM.)
Read down to "I object" for the F-word and the real story.
And "I object" does give the real story. We're looking at (yet one more) gross abuse of process by a Republican—gavelling a reading to a halt before the Democrats have a chance to represent their constituents and object. This is not the way a deliberative body is supposed to operate. Where do the Republicans think we are? '30s Berlin?
So, is fruitcake the new F-word? Can we call a Republican a "fruitcake" without Godwin's Law being instantly invoked?
I'd say yes! Thoughts?