Sunday, July 13, 2003

Fun with Rummy

With Russert on MTP:

MR. RUSSERT: But the very next day, Mr. Secretary, this is what you said, talking to the press on January 29th: ”[Saddam’s] regime has the design for a nuclear weapon ... and recently was discovered seeking significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
SEC’Y RUMSFELD: And right before it, I said, as the president said, and right after it, I said as the president said. I was simply repeating what the president had said.
MR. RUSSERT: But in retrospect, you should retract that comment as well just as the president has retracted his.
SEC’Y RUMSFELD: Exactly. And certainly when I said, “As the president said” in my statement and at the end I said, “As the president indicated,” I believe and that’s quite true.

Rummy heaves Bush over the side! Get the popcorn!