Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Fun with "W"!

We've been having some fun with "W" where "W" is a synonym for 43, the President the Republicans hope to get elected in 2004...

aWol, noun, synonym for W. Draws attention to W's missing year of Texas Air National Guard Duty.

qWagmire, noun. What aWol just got us into ...

... in Iwaq...

But alert reader Baba Wawa has elevated this practice to new heights:

Iwaq is only the beginning! Then we need to wibewate Iwan, Sywia, Saudi Awabia and any other countwy that thweatens Isweaw.

Of course, if we're sewious about Achieving Fweedom or Imposing Democracy or whatever the new catchphwase is now, there are so many other countwies we need to fix. How about Waos, which just impwisoned thwee foweign jouwnalists (incwuding one Amewican) on twumped-up murder charges? Or Myanmaw. Or Congo and its neighbors Buwundi and Wwanda. Zimbabwe. Wibewia. Siewwa Weone. Venezuewa. Pewu. The list goes on and on. People acwoss the wowld are cwamowing for Amewican intervention, saying "why should the Iwaqis get it all?"

"Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit ...." (from alert reader Blu)

UPDATE: NoWth KoWea (from alert reader stencil)