Sunday, July 27, 2003

Iraq and terror as urban legend

Reuters via CNN here:

''I think as long as we're present here in Iraq, we will always have the threat of Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists coming to try to kill American and coalition soldiers, and that is something that we will have to contend with,'' [General Richard] Sanchez said.

''The key that we must not lose sight of is that we must win this battle here in Iraq. Otherwise America will find itself taking on these terrorists at home.''

Hello? America has already "taken on" these terrorists at home—that's what 9/11 was all about. And as the recently released 9/11 report shows, Iraq had nothing at all to do with that.

So what's with the "otherwise"?

And why did we go to war in Iraq again?

Troll prophylactic: Saddam is a "bad guy."