Monday, July 28, 2003

It takes a village to stomp a weasel

The media seem to think it's a problem that the Democrats don't parrot single-sourced talking points, and even (gasp!) may disagree among themselves. I don't know why this is—maybe covering a lot of candidates is too much like work.

Personally, I'm not worried about conflict in the Democratic party between the candidates, between the DLC and the "left" (Dean as a leftie? Har-de-har-har!), and so on.

If the Democrats form the ol' circular firing squad, that's a problem, but so far—despite "let's you and him fight" temptations from the SCLM—they've avoided doing this.

As long as the Democrats compete to find the best ways to bring Bush down, have at it, say I. It's not a problem.