Sunday, July 27, 2003

Latest victims of Bush bait and switch tactics: Veterans

Steven Thomma of Knight-Ridder writes:

President Bush and his Republican Party are facing a political backlash from an unlikely group - retired veterans.

Normally Republican, many retired veterans are mad that Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress are blocking remedies to two problems with health and pension benefits. They say they feel particularly betrayed by Bush, who appealed to them in his 2000 campaign, and who vowed on the eve of his inauguration that "promises made to our veterans will be promises kept."

"He pats us on the back with his speeches and stabs us in the back with his actions," said Charles A. Carter of Shawnee, Okla., a retired Navy senior chief petty officer. "I will vote non-Republican in a heart beat if it continues as is."

Hell, Bush is privatizing the military anyhow. He must be figuring, Who needs these guys?

Tell me again why the Republicans are so good at supporting the troops?